A skydiver wears a reserve parachute, a SCUBA diver should have a reserve breathing system. For 40 years Spare Air supplied divers with the smallest, most-compact redundant system available for out-of-air-emergencies. The patented SPARE AIR should be a standard piece of SCUBA diving equipment for the safety minded diver. In an out-of-air-emergency, why would you trust your life to anything else?
Soon after the success in the dive market other industries began to call and ask if they could use Spare Air in their situations as well. It was modified and sold to the military in 1984 under the name Helicopter Emergency Egress Device (HEED) to help helicopter personnel from almost certain death in the event of a water crash. It is now used by most military and government organisations in the developed world.
Spare Air is also used at aquariums around the world and is even used by people who want an extra air source in case of a house or high-rise fire, as well as a myriad of movies such as Jaws, Waterworld, Spy Kids 2, Baywatch, The Fugitive 2, Sphere, and Perfect Storm.
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